Thursday, September 24, 2015

Guap Clothing

Guap Clothing
Our store is called Guap. The term "guap" is slang for any high amount of money. We chose the name because it resonates with our target audience, which is young people interested in street wear. We weren't worried about having a name that is long lasting and timeless as our store is only going to be up for one night. Because of this guap is a perfect name for our store because it's very current and a bit different to other store names on the market.
We wanted the design of the brand and logo to be very industrial, utilising geometric shapes. This is because our store is going to look very industrial because of our materials and constraints and we want our brand to suit this. The logo, like the name, is very simple and easy to remember. It is a triangle that resembles a lower case 'G'. 


The Stall

Our stall is designed to look similar to an actual clothing shop. We have a counter, a clothes rack and some shelving for display. The shelving will display our packaging and product in an aesthetically pleasing way and the rack will be a display of one of each of our shirts.

The Packaging


Post Presentation Debrief
The feedback we got on our presentation was mostly positive, we just need to further develop our ideas. We need to think about how to make our stall stronger because if we just use the cardboard sheet with no reinforcing it wont be strong enough to hold anything so more work needs to be put into the stall design. Another thing to think about is our logo, the symbol is hard to see as a lower case G which makes the whole logo hard to read. We are currently redesigning the logo and thinking of better ways to present our brand.

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