Sunday, August 23, 2015

Brand Comparison: Chanel vs Maybelline

What colours, typefaces, graphics does the company use on the packaging? What does this say about the value of the product?

Maybelline is a budget makeup brand. Their packaging usually includes bright colours and big fonts or graphics on the products. They will use different fonts for their products, often including display fonts rather then conventional fonts. Their mascaras are known for their bright coloured packaging. This all shows the buyer that the brand is not too expensive and is aimed at teenagers and younger women. Compared to high end products, maybelline products look more 'fun' but also slightly 'tacky'. This is all to aim at the correct market.

Chanel makeup is a very expensive high end makeup brand. Their packaging follows a very clear and strict guideline. It is very simple and always black with nothing but the Chanel logo on it. All products come in the same Chanel box which is black with a gold bar on the bottom of the product. There are never any graphics used on the products and never anything other then the word "CHANEL" written on them. This is because the main selling point of Chanel products is the fact that it is such a highly regarded and expensive brand.

What materials are used in the packaging (ie. card stock, foils, specialty papers, print treatments)? What do the materials tell you about the product value?
Maybelline products will often be sold just as the product is but wrapped in clear plastic. Sometimes the products are on a cardboard backing with big graphics on it to show the product. Chanel products are always sold in good quality cardboard boxes with the same black and gold packaging. Chanel's packaging shows that it is a high quality product whereas the Maybelline packaging shows that it is a cheaper product.


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